Friday, September 19, 2008

Why I Hate Politics; Part II

Another reason I hate politics, at least regarding the President, is that the President is very nearly becoming a figue head, much like the Royal Family of England. Most of what comes from the government is from others besides the President. Albeit, it's people he's (or she's) put into office, but still, he even has people who write his speaches for him!

And all it ever seems like is talk, not "grown-up" talk either, more like middle-school "he said/she said" talk. That's all we ever do is talk, talk, talk. Peace talks, treaty talks, get rid of your nuclear weapons talks. I'm not much of a talker, I'm more of a thinker and action person. That's why I was for the war, but that's another blog. But I hate talking things out because it just makes people get heated over nothing! It makes everyone's opinions wrong and nothing gets resolved quickly. In all actuality, as inteligent as we think we are, man responds to actions and examples more than words. I can tell you that I don't like you, but it really won't hit home until I act on that statement. You'll notice me not talking to you, deleting your email and text messages without responding, getting mad and yelling at you, picking at every little thing you do that I don't like, etc. Actions speak louder than words.

When a President or another official gets elected, no matter what, they get picked on for EVERY little thing that they might do that someone doesn't like. People are people. The presidents is a person. People make mistakes, it's inevitable. You try "leading" a country and tell me how easy it is. There's that cliché that says " can't please all the people all the time" and it's very true. We've gone through nearly 50 Presidents (Bush is #43/#42 depending on how you look at it) and none of them have been perfect. None of them.

So now you know a little of why I don't like politics. I won't talk very much about them because I don't care to get yelled at by people who disagree and I just don't follow politics in general. But hopefully I've given you something to think about, whether for good or bad.

 - J

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