Friday, September 12, 2008

Why I Hate Politics; Part I

My hatred for politics is a complex, multi-faceted view which has derived from years of being a United States citizen.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-American by any means. I love my country. From my little research, it's the most abundant land with a variety to suit most any needs. But loving my country does not necessarily mean that I like my government. I dislike it immensely because it is run by people and people are very fallible and easily manipulated and even more easily persuaded, especially by money and power.

But I think one of my biggest reasons for hating politics is that it divides us more than it brings us together. Once the race for office starts, it's basically Republicans versus Democrats with a little sprinkling of other political parties. Republicans think Democrats are dumb and vice versa! How does this bring us together as a nation? I mean, we are picking our next national "leader". Shouldn't we be more unified? At least a little? We even divide our states into colors depending on which state votes for whom!

This division may even pit brother against brother or friend to friend. And people don't think about the other side. They don't think about what REALLY happens. They just think that they are right and anyone who opposes them is completely and utterly wrong. For example, a work-place associate and friend of mine almost started a brawl with me because I wouldn't vote for Obama! We had been talking and I had told him that I didn't register to vote this time because I didn't want to have to do jury duty and I don't really care for either McCain or Obama. Also, if I DID vote, I would vote McCain mainly because he's Republican and I would agree with his views more than I would ever agree with Obama. He pretty much wanted to call me a "stupid, idiotic retard". You could see it on his face. However, I have proven him wrong on many, many occasions because of our disagreements and I am 6 years older than he is. Yet with all this, he still saw me almost as a child who didn't know anything.

And as he was yelling at me about how wrong my opinion was, I stopped him and told him that that was the exact reason why I never talk about politics. It gets people upset, defensive, accusatory, etc...

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