Monday, August 25, 2008

My thoughts on obesity...

First off, let me define what "obesity" is. Actually, let me just copy off of Wikipedia:
Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve of humans or other mammals, which is stored in fat tissue, is expanded far beyond usual levels to the point where it impairs health. Obesity in wild animals is relatively rare, but it is common in domestic animals like pigs and household pets who may be overfed and underexercised. In humans it is considered a major challenge to health.
So, now that we have that taken care of, I have two main points.

1. Obesity should not be a handicap

The other day I saw some guy in a Circle K (a convience store much like a 7-11, Plaid Pantry, etc.) who was rather large himself. He was purchasing three hot dogs, two bags of chips, a soda and some assorted candy. I thought to myself how he shouldn't be buying stuff like that with his weight, but that's about as far as it went.

Then, as I was getting in my car, I noticed he had a handicap license plate. Now I was upset. Especially since he got the handicap space up front and I had to find some random place to park around the back because the parking was all full.

See, the reason I was so upset was because it was pretty much like he got all this extra care and extra bonuses (like an up-front parking space) because he's not responsible enough to manage his own weight! Seriously, why? I mean, I work hard to have enough money to pay my bills (hopefully), have food for my family and maybe have enough left over to buy something extra for my growing five-month old baby boy. And they make me park out in the boondocks because I'm not fat.

Another time a while back, I was in a McDonald's eating a quick dinner before I had to be at church. I literally saw three different people, all who came in seperately, all who had trouble walking because of their weight, all had the large extra value meals with a few extras besides that. Now if you've seen the movie "Super-size Me", you're probably saying that money-hungry McDonalds is at fault for making them fat or some such nonsense.

The truth is, those people were walking in on their own, ordering on their own, paying with their own money, sitting down on their own and eating that fat-laden food on their own. McDonalds stock-holders weren't holding a gun to their heads and the CEO wasn't shoving the food down their gullets. It was their own choice to eat there and to get that much food.
To finish off this point, why are people able to be considered "handicap" because of their own choices? If I chose to blow off my own legs, would I get as much attention an even sympathy as them? Probably not.

2. How is obesity an "epidemic"?
I know, technically it can be an epidemic. Let's look at what Wikipedia says again:
An epidemic is generally a widespread disease that affects many individuals in a population. An epidemic may be restricted to one locale or may even be global (pandemic). An outbreak of a disease is defined as being epidemic, however, not by how many members or what proportion of the population it infects but by how fast it is growing

Personally, when I think of an "epidemic", I think of someting like the Black Plague, the West Nile Virus, etc. I think of it as something that can't be helped, is contagious and causes a panic of some sort. So, if I use my definition: obesity can be helped, is not contagious, and hasn't caused a real panic. I'll break it down even more.

Obesity can be helped - People don't have to be overweight. They just are. Either they're lazy, they can't stop eating or a combination of both. "Studies" have "shown" that you are "more likely to be fat" because of "hereditary reasons". I think that's hogwash. I've known people who's whole family is large, but they decided not to be, so they worked at keeping fit. By "worked", I mean that they watched what they ate, they didn't just sit in front of the boob-tube and they were active somehow, whether it be walking, running, riding a bike, working out, whatever. The point is, they made a decision, they stuck to it and the results were very positive.

Obesity is not contagious - Self-explanatory, you can't catch fatness.

Obesity hasn't caused a true panic - If it had, people would be trying to not be fat instead of eating three double cheeseburgers, a large fry and a biggie Coke. People who have the flu most of the time try to get better as fast as they can. People who are fat most of the time, just stay fat.

Now, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I'm just stating my personal opinion. I just don't understand people ever because they don't make sense, especially when you put logic into the equation. For example, if you smashed your thumb with a hammer, it hurts you, so you try not to smash your thumb again. Being fat hurts you, so why not try to keep from being fat or if you already are, why not do something to solve the problem?

Just my thoughts.

- J

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